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How to use ink in gravure printing

Pubdate:2020-05-16 15:41:46 Hits:2832

For example, if solvent ink is used to print at 35 μ m to 40 μ m or above, water ripple will occur, while when printing with ink and water, there will be water ripple when printing more than 25 μ M. Therefore, it is very important to use a good plate.
2. Good drying equipment, drying temperature should be based on the substrate, the size of the printing area.                                .                             .
3. Except for metal aluminum foil, vacuum aluminizing film and paper, all plastic films need to be treated by electric spark before using ink and water as the main solvent to produce ink on the plastic surface with the content of more than 40-42.                              .
4. Before printing, the ink is poured into the ink tank, and the plate is idled for 2-3 minutes to wet the plate and stir it. During the printing process, in order to observe the printed matter and stop printing, do not stop the printing plate from rotating, so as to avoid blocking caused by dry stock of the printing plate.
5. After adjusting the printing viscosity according to the depth of the plate before printing, try not to add tap water in the printing process, as long as adding new ink with the same viscosity.                              .
6. After printing, wash the plate immediately, pour the ink into the barrel, put the water into the ink tank, rotate the plate for cleaning or mix 3% detergent solution for cleaning.

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