Pay attention to the use of self-contained zipper bag
In our daily life, we need to use and touch all kinds of packing bags, but many people don't know what to pay attention to when using packing bags
1. The outer package must be marked in Chinese with the name of the factory, the address and the name of the product, and the word "for food" should be marked in the obvious place. All products must have the product inspection certificate after leaving the factory. This kind of food self-supporting zipper bag is relatively safe.
2. Color can not be used for food packaging, dark red or black currently used in the market. Because these are often made of recycled plastics. It's not very safe and hygienic. Be careful.
3. When leaving the factory, it is odorless and odorless. Food self-supporting zipper bag with special smell cannot be used as food packaging bag. What's more, the flavor may be recycled and remanufactured. Who knows what was loaded before, especially the food packaging.
Dongguan Beite packaging materials Co., Ltd
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